Veille scientifique :
Septembre 2023
Adrian, V. et Damour, S. (2023). Accompagner les mineurs trans : une expérience clinique évolutive. Le Journal des psychologues, 406(5), 38‑42.
Angelino, A. C. et Bell, S. (2023). Rethinking gender diversity terminology: A call to include native two-spirit and LGBTQ+ youth. Pediatrics, 152(4).
Beltrán, R., Alvarez, A. R.-G. et Fernandez, A. R. (2023). I see myself strong: A description of an expressive poetic method to amplify two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer Indigenous youth experiences in a culture-centered HIV prevention curriculum. Genealogy, 7(3).
Brown, B. A. (2023). Parents of transgender youth: Their experiences during their child’s social transition process [thèse, ph.d. nursing, University of Arizona].
Carney, T., Choi, S. K., Stephenson, R., Bauermeister, J. A. et Carrico, A. W. (2023). Latent class analysis of substance use typologies associated with mental and sexual health outcomes among sexual and gender minority youth. PLoS ONE, 18(9).
Carpenter, K. E. (2023). Transcending tradition: An 8-week trauma-sensitive yoga intervention for transgender and gender diverse adolescents [thèse, psy.d., University of Hartford].
Ciancia, S., Klink, D., Craen, M. et Cools, M. (2023). Early puberty suppression and gender-affirming hormones do not alter final height in transgender adolescents. European Journal of Endocrinology, 189(3), 396‑401.
Conflitti, A. C., Spaziani, M., Pallotti, F., Tarsitano, M. G., Di Nisio, A., Paoli, D., Lombardo, F., et TALENT Study Group. (2023). Update on bioethical, medical and fertility issues in gender incongruence during transition age. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 46(9), 1725‑1736.
Crosse, L. (2023). Respecting the free will, authenticity and autonomy of transgender youth. Nursing Ethics.
D’Andrea, J. (2023, 9 mai). LGBTQ literature in the high school english language arts classroom: A rationale for a unit plan on Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin [honors project, Bridgewater State University].
Daure, I. (2023). Les parents face à la transsexualité de leur enfant : une inquiétante étrangeté. Le Journal des psychologues, 406(5), 43‑48.
Dayton, R. L., Fonner, V. A., Plourde, K. F., Sanyal, A., Arney, J., Orr, T., Nhamo, D., Schueller, J., Limb, A. M. et Torjesen, K. (2023). A scoping review of oral Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for cisgender and transgender adolescent girls and young women: What works and where do we go from here? Springer Nature B.V., 27(10), 3223‑3238.
Englert, E. et Haas, C.-R. (2023). Practical guideline on dealing with transgender patients in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient settings. Zeitschrift Fur Kinder- Und Jugendpsychiatrie Und Psychotherapie, 51(5), 367‑374.
Escobar-Viera, C. G., Porta, G., Coulter, R. W. S., Martina, J., Goldbach, J. et Rollman, B. L. (2023). A chatbot-delivered intervention for optimizing social media use and reducing perceived isolation among rural-living LGBTQ+ youth: Development, acceptability, usability, satisfaction, and utility. Internet Interventions, 34.
Fortner, A. (2023, 1 janvier). SB 150 and what Kentucky’s educators can do next [thèse, b.a., Murray State University].
Jadav, S. et Chakrapani, V. (2023). Learning without fear: Supporting inclusive education for sexual and gender minorities. Dans S. Pachauri et R. K. Verma (dir.), Transforming Unequal Gender Relations in India and Beyond: An Intersectional Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities (p. 305‑314). Springer Nature.
Jaffe, S. (2023). More US states ban teenagers’ gender-affirming care. The Lancet, 402(10405), 839‑840.
Julian, J. M., Held, J. I., Hixson, K. et Conn, B. M. (2023). The implementation of Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) for transgender and gender diverse adolescents and young adults. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 16(3), 795‑804.
Lawrence, S. E., McMorris, B. J., Simon, K. A., Gower, A. L. et Eisenberg, M. E. (2023). Bullying involvement at the intersection of gender identity/modality, sexual identity, race, ethnicity, and disability: Prevalence disparities and the role of school-related developmental assets. LGBT Health, 10(S1), 10‑19.
Liebowitz, S., Chang, S. et Ramos, N. (2023). Transgender and gender diverse children and adolescents, An issue of child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Linsenmeyer, W., Stiles, D., Garwood, S., Giedinghagen, A., Lewis, C. et Strand, G. (2023). The Sick, Control, One Stone, Fat, Food (SCOFF) is a valid eating disorder questionnaire to use with transgender youth. Clinical Pediatrics.
Ormiston, C. K. (2023). LGBTQ youth mental health and COVID: where we are & next steps. Public Health Forum, 31(3), 155‑157.
Postma, J. (2023). What’s love got to do with it? Changing tolerance towards non-binary people with the use of inner dialogue. [master thesis, Utrecht University].
Price, M., Rakhilin, M., Johansen, K., Collins, E., Pachankis, J. E., Lyon, A. R. et Allen, M. (2023, 12 septembre). Gender Affirming Psychotherapy (GAP): An intervention to reduce the mental healthcare « gap » for transgender youth. OSF Preprints.
Rosenberg, A. (2023). Gender Transitioning in Childhood: A Hermeneutic Study of Parental Reactions [thèse, ph.d. counselor education and supervision, Walden University].
Schmitt, I. (2023). Assigning emotional responsibility: young transgender and nonbinary people’s negotiation of gender norms in school. 8th Nordic Trans Studies Network conference.
Stocks, J. B., Calvetti, S., Rosso, M. T., Slay, L., Kipke, M., Puentes, M. et Hightow-Weidman, L. B. (2023). Evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of a digital Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis navigation and activation intervention for racially and ethnically diverse sexual and gender minority youth (PrEPresent): Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 12(1).
Straub, D. M. et Binford, W. (2023). Supporting health professionals who serve gender-diverse youth. Families, Systems, & Health, 41(3), 396‑400.
Watson, R. J., Caba, A. E., Lawrence, S. E., Renley, B. M., McCauley, P. S., Wheldon, C. W., Eaton, L. A., Russell, S. T. et Eisenberg, M. E. (2023). Examining Mental Health and Bullying Concerns at the Intersection of Sexuality, Gender, Race, and Ethnicity Among a National Sample of Sexual and Gender Diverse Youth. LGBT Health.