Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les enfants transgenres et leurs familles

Veille scientifique :

Octobre 2023

Aantjes, C. J., Capurchande, R., Cuinhane, C., Muchanga, V. et Munguambe, K. (2023). Binary scripting, disclosure decisions, and agency in families of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex youth in Mozambique. LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1‑19.
Baines, H. K. et Connelly, K. J. (2023). A prospective comparison study of subcutaneous and intramuscular testosterone injections in transgender male adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism.
Boerner, K. E., Harrison, L. E., Battison, E. A. J., Murphy, C. et Wilson, A. C. (2023). Topical review: Acute and chronic pain experiences in transgender and gender-diverse youth. Journal of Pediatric Psychology.
Brokmeier, T., Mucha, S. R., Romer, G. et Föcker, M. (2022). Trans* Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene im Gesundheitswesen: Eine qualitative Interviewstudie über Erfahrungen, Herausforderungen und Wünsche. [Trans* youth and young adults in healthcare: A qualitative study about experiences, challenges, and wishes.]. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 71(7), 576‑596.
Cameron, J. (2022). Adult attitudes about transgender and gender expansive youth [ph.d. psychology, Palo Alto University].
Campbell, L., Viswanadhan, K., Lois, B. et Dundas, M. (2023). Emerging evidence: A systematic literature review of disordered eating among transgender and nonbinary youth. Journal of Adolescent Health.
Chen, D. (2023). Mental health and psychosocial functioning in transgender youth after 2 years of hormones. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10).
Christensen, J., Oh, J., Linder, K., Imhof, R. L., Croarkin, P. E., Bostwick, J. M. et McKean, A. (2023). Reducing suicide risk in transgender and gender-diverse youth: A systematic review. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10).
Curtis, A. E. (2023). Clinical pearls in working with neurodiverse and transgender/gender-diverse youth. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10).
Curtis, A., Swaringen, S. et Janssen, A. (2023). Complex psychiatric histories and transgender and gender diverse youth. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, 32(4), 731‑745.
de Bres, J. et Morrison-Young, I. (2023). Storm clouds and rainbows: Visual metaphors of parents of transgender children in Aotearoa (New Zealand). LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 19(5), 382‑404.
de Vries, A. L. C. (2023). Younger vs. older adolescents presenting for transgender care: Gender-related and mental health characteristics. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10).
Douglas, L., Pullen Sansfaçon, A., Daigneault, M.-M., Speechley, K. N., Sanders, E. et Bauer, G. R. (2023). Extrafamilial stressors in families of transgender adolescents referred for gender-affirming medical care: a mixed-methods analysis. Journal of LGBT Youth, 1‑19.
Durwood, L. J., Gallagher, N. M., Sifre, R. et Olson, K. R. (2023, 11 octobre). A study of parent-reported internalizing symptoms in transgender youth before and after childhood social transitions. PsyArXiv.
Fischer, M. (2023). Protecting women’s sports? Anti-trans youth sports bills and white supremacy. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 1‑19.
Gadomski, A. M., Scribani, M. B., Tallman, N., O’Bryan, J., Wolf-Gould, C. et Wolf-Gould, C. (2023). Two-year follow-up study of health-related quality of life among transgender and gender expansive youth receiving gender-affirming care. Transgender Health.
Georges, E. (2023). Review of the literature on the intersection of LGBTQ youth and CSEC: More than a monolith. Current Pediatrics Reports.
Gupta, P., Patterson, B. C., Chu, L., Gold, S., Amos, S., Yeung, H., Goodman, M. et Tangpricha, V. (2023). Adherence to gender affirming hormone therapy in transgender adolescents and adults: A retrospective cohort study. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 108(11), 1236‑1244.
Hobaica, S., Szkody, E., Sotomayor, I., Liao, J. et Schleider, J. L. (2023, 26 octobre). Sexual health education experiences and recommendations from the perspective of LGBTQ+ youth. PsyArXiv.
Hoey, J., Fleury, R., Dooley, N., Power, E. et Cannon, M. (2023). Correlates of psychotic experiences in gender-diverse youth in Ireland: A population-based survey. European Journal of Public Health, 33(Supplement_2).
Horton, C. (2023). « Euphoria »: Trans children and experiences of prepubertal social transition. International Journal of Applied Family Science, 72(4), 1890‑1907.
Hughes, L. D., Gamarel, K. E., Restar, A. J., Sequeira, G. M., Dowshen, N., Regan, K. et Kidd, K. M. (2023). Adolescent providers’ experiences of harassment related to delivering gender-affirming care. The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 73(4), 672‑678.
Janssen, A., Ramos, N. et Wanta, J. W. (2023). Mental health care for transgender and gender-diverse youth: Clinical guidelines and best practices. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10).
Johansen, K., Rakhilin, M., Woodward, S., Jerskey, B., Moran, L., Roeder, K. et Price, M. (2023, 10 octobre). Implementation strategies to reduce anti-transgender stigma and increase gender-affirming practice adoption in mental health care. OSF Preprints.
Jutla, A., Pereira, J., Ramos, N. et Veenstra-VanderWeele, J. (2023). Co-occurring mental health diagnoses in transgender and gender-diverse adolescents with ASD. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10).
Kapoor, N. et Kalra, S. (2023). Unity in diversity – Uniting youth and transgender health. Indian Pediatrics, 60(10), 793‑794.
Kassis, W., Aksoy, D., Favre, C. A. et Artz, S. T.-G. (2021). Multidimensional and intersectional gender identity and sexual attraction patterns of adolescents for quantitative research. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
Larson, J. (2023). Puberty for transgender kids and their parents: Impressions from a mom. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 32(4), 867‑871.
Leibowitz, S. (2023). Clinical and neurobiological effects of exogenous testosterone administration on transgender youth: Implications for mood and social development. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10).
Leibowitz, S. F. (2023). Assessment of transgender and gender-diverse adolescents: Incorporating the World Professional Association of Transgender Health Standard of Care 8th Edition. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 32(4), 707‑718.
Lekwauwa, R., Funaro, M. C. et Doolittle, B. (2023). Systematic review: The relationship between religion, spirituality and mental health in adolescents who identify as transgender. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 27(4), 421‑438.
Liu, M., Grasso, C., Kim, H.-H., Mayer, K. H. et Keuroghlian, A. S. (2023). Advancing pediatric sexual orientation and gender identity data collection. American Journal of Public Health.
Neiman, T., Sieve, L., Stenberg, L., Molesky, N. et Nic Rider, G. (2023). « Bridging the gap »: School nurse experiences providing care for transgender and gender diverse students and their parents/guardians. The Journal of School Nursing: The Official Publication of the National Association of School Nurses, 39(5), 377‑384.
Nichols, H. J. (2023). School principals’ responses in creating an inclusive schooling space for gender and sexual diverse learners. African Journal of Career Development, 5(1).
Pachankis, J. E., Soulliard, Z. A., Layland, E. K., Behari, K., Seager van Dyk, I., Eisenstadt, B. E., Chiaramonte, D., Ljótsson, B., Särnholm, J. et Bjureberg, J. (2023). Guided LGBTQ-affirmative internet cognitive-behavioral therapy for sexual minority youth’s mental health: A randomized controlled trial of a minority stress treatment approach. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 169.
Pierce, S., Mazziotta, A. et Möller-Kallista, B. (2022). Erfahrungen von Kindern mit Geschlechtsdysphorie/Geschlechtsinkongruenz und ihren Eltern mit dem Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland. [Experiences of children with gender dysphoria/gender incongruence and their parents with the health care system in Germany.]. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 71(7), 597‑619.
Poncelet, M. et Delvenne, V. (2023). Transition of mental health care for transgender youth aged between 16 and 24 years old. Psychiatria Danubina, 35(Suppl 2), 185‑188.
Psychosocial functioning in transgender youth after hormones. (2023). New England Journal of Medicine, 389(16), 1536‑1540.
Rafferty, J. (2023). Examining the barriers and benefits to gender-affirmative care in transgender and gender-diverse adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10).
Ramos, N. (2023). Family therapy for dysphoric transgender and gender-diverse youth. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10).
Robinson, I. S., Carswell, J. M., Boskey, E., Agarwal, C. A., Brassard, P., Bélanger, M., Zhao, L. C. et Bluebond-Langner, R. (2023). Gender-affirming surgery in adolescents and young adults: A review of ethical and surgical considerations. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 152(4), 737‑750.
Rouse, M. L. (2023). Promoting gender-affirming care: Challenging conflation and embracing complexity. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10(2), 186‑192.
Sahoo, S., Venkatesan, V. et Chakravarty, R. (2023). ‘Coming out’/self-disclosure in LGBTQ+ adolescents and youth: International and Indian scenario – A narrative review of published studies in the last decade (2012-2022). Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 65(10).
Salway, T., Kinitz, D. J., Kia, H., Ashley, F., Giustini, D., Tiwana, A., Archibald, R., Mallakzadeh, A., Dromer, E., Ferlatte, O., Goodyear, T. et Abramovich, A. (2023). A systematic review of the prevalence of lifetime experience with « conversion » practices among sexual and gender minority populations. PloS One, 18(10).
Schier, H. E. (2023). ‪ »I’m a growing boy, I need my food »: Characterizing the nutrition-related behaviors and concerns of transgender and gender diverse youth and young sdults‬ [ph.d. nutrition, The Ohio State University].
Sequeria, G. M., Guler, J., Reyes, V., Asante, P. G., Kahn, N., Anan, Y., Bocek, K., Kidd, K., Christakis, D., Pratt, W. et Richardson, L. P. (2023). Adolescent and caregiver perspectives on receiving gender-affirming care in primary care. Pediatrics, 152(4).
Shanker, P., Martin, D., Leong, A. W., Becker, T. D., Lynch, S., Staudenmaier, P. et Rice, T. (2023). Temporal trends in psychiatric admissions for cisgender, transgender, and gender-nonconforming youth. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10), 203‑204.
Sims, S. (2023). Familial support, coming out age and mental health symptoms in transgender youth [psy.d., Palo Alto University].
Strang, J. F., Wallace, G. L., Michaelson, J. J., Fischbach, A. L., Thomas, T. R., Jack, A., Shen, J., Chen, D., Freeman, A., Knauss, M., Corbett, B. A., Kenworthy, L., Tishelman, A. C., Willing, L., McQuaid, G. A., Nelson, E. E., Toomey, R. B., McGuire, J. K., Fish, J. N., … Yang, J. S. (2023). The Gender Self-Report: A multidimensional gender characterization tool for gender-diverse and cisgender youth and adults. American Psychologist, 78(7), 886‑900.
Supporting the health and well-being of transgender and gender diverse youth: Proceedings of a workshop—in brief. (2023).
Tobin, V., Sheth, N. K., Thompson, H. M. et Karnik, N. S. (2022). Lesbian gay bisexual transgender questioning/queer two-spirit adolescents and suicidality. Adolescent Psychiatry, 12(3), 207‑223.
Tordoff, D. M., Sequeira, G. M., Shook, A. G., Williams, F., Hayden, L., Kasenic, A., Inwards-Breland, D. et Ahrens, K. (2023). Factors associated with time to receiving gender-affirming hormones and puberty blockers at a pediatric clinic serving transgender and nonbinary youth. Transgender Health, 8(5), 420‑428.
Vandermorris, A. et Metzger, D. L. (2023). An affirming approach to caring for transgender and gender-diverse youth. Paediatrics & Child Health, 28(7), 437‑448.
Verguchten, J., Demeyer, C., Vanoverbeke, I., Vandenbussche, O. K. et Kerckhof, M. (2023). The right of transgender people to be resilient! European Journal of Public Health, 33(Supplement_2).
Warner, A. (2022). Emotional well-being of parents raising transgender and gender diverse children [ph.d. nursing, New York University].
Welsh, N. J. (2023). Specialized assessment and intervention tools for transgender youth with ASD. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10).
Wilde, B., Diamond, J. B., Laborda, T. J., Frank, L., O’Gorman, M. A. et Kocolas, I. (2023). Bicalutamide-induced hepatotoxicity in a transgender male-to-female adolescent. Journal of Adolescent Health.
Williams, C. R., McGregor, K., Feld, A. et Boskey, E. R. (2023). Understanding their experiences: Psychosocial functioning of nonbinary and binary youth at the time of hormone readiness assessment. LGBT Health.
Zhou, A. N. (2023). Intersectional and cultural considerations when working with transgender and gender-diverse youth of color. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 62(10).