Science Watch:
September 2022
Appenroth, M. N. et Varela, M. do M. C. (2022). Trans health: International perspectives on care for trans communities (Gender Studies). Transcript Verlag.
Berger, M. N., Taba, M., Marino, J. L., Lim, M. S. C. et Skinner, S. R. (2022). Social media use and health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth: Systematic review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(9).
Cohen, J. M., Feinstein, B. A. et Fox, K. (2022). The promise of digital mental health for LGBTQ+ youths. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.), 73(9), 1069‑1072.
Connor, J. (2021). Understanding and supporting children and young people who belong to sex and gender minority groups [thèse, doctor in educational and child psychology]. University of Manchester.
de Snoo-Trimp, J., de Vries, A., Molewijk, B. et Hein, I. (2022). How to deal with moral challenges around the decision-making competence in transgender adolescent care? Development of an ethics support tool. BMC Medical Ethics, 23(1).
Durwood, L. (2022). Understanding childhood social transitions in gender diverse youth [thèse, doctor of psychology, University of Washington].
Gill, E. K. et McQuillan, M. T. (2022). LGBTQ+ students’ peer victimization and mental health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18).
Gillig, T. K., Valente, T. W. et Baezconde-Garbanati, L. (2022). Depressive symptoms and parental support-seeking in Latinx adolescents: Analyzing variation based on LGBT identity. Journal of LGBT Youth, 19, 413‑428.
Gozlan, O. (2022). Adolescent ruthlessness and the transitioning of the analyst’s mind. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 70, 459‑484.
Hodax, J. K., Brady, C., DiVall, S., Ahrens, K. R., Carlin, K., Khalatbari, H., Parisi, M. T. et Salehi, P. (2022). Low pretreatment bone mineral density in gender diverse youth. Transgender Health.
Jones, T., Power, J., Hill, A. O., Despott, N., Carman, M., Jones, T. W., Anderson, J. et Bourne, A. (2022). Religious conversion practices and LGBTQA + youth. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 19(3), 1155‑1164.
Katz-Wise, S. L., Gordon, A. R., Sharp, K. J., Johnson, N. P. et Hart, L. M. (2022). Developing parenting guidelines to support transgender and gender diverse children’s well-being. Pediatrics, 150(3).
Kiekens, W. J., Baams, L., Fish, J. N. et Watson, R. J. (2022). Associations of relationship experiences, dating violence, sexual harassment, and assault with alcohol use among sexual and gender minority adolescents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(17‑18), 15176‑15204.
Kitchen, R. (2022). You’re out: A policy analysis of TX HB 25. Louder than Words, 2(1), 22‑31.
Kuper, L. E., Cooper, M. B. et Mooney, M. A. (2022). Supporting and advocating for transgender and gender diverse youth and their families within the sociopolitical context of widespread discriminatory legislation and policies. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 10, 336‑345.
LaRocca, D., James, K. A., Rosenberg, S., Ma, M. et Brooks-Russell, A. (s. d.). Team sports participation, depression, and suicidal ideation in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning adolescents. Psychology in the Schools.
Lieuwen, E. (2022). Building resources for transgender and non-binary youth: A sexual health toolkit [thèse, doctor of nursing practice, Seattle University].
Loiselle, P. et Van der Krol, L. (2022). Exploring current practices of pediatric providers serving transgender/gender non-conforming (TGNC) youth 12 years of age and under in the Washington, Alaska, Montana, Idaho Region [thèse, doctor of nursing practice, Seattle University].
Mangin, M. M. (2022). Teachers’ strategies for supporting transgender and/or gender-expansive elementary school students. Educational Researcher, 51, 324‑335.
Meidlinger, K. (2022). Parenting transgender and gender diverse youth: Relationship between parental acceptance-rejection, sense of competence, access of resources, and gender affirming parenting practices [dissertation, University of Nebraska – Lincoln].
Morgan, H., Heritage, B., Lin, A., Perry, Y., Cook, A., Winter, S., Watson, V., Wright Toussaint, D., O’Donovan, A., Almeida, R. et Strauss, P. (2022). Factors influencing parental acceptance of trans children and young people: Findings from Trans Pathways. LGBTQ+ Family: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1‑20.
NewsCAP: The number of young people, ages 13 to 25, who identify as transgender has nearly doubled in recent years. (2022). AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 122(9).
Rabain, N., Vachez-Gatecel, A., Mendes, N., Cohen, D., Brunelle, J., Poirier, F., Wielart, J. et Condat, A. (2021). Dispositifs groupaux dans l’accompagnement des enfants transgenres et/ou en questionnement à l’endroit de leur identité de genre: Revue de la littérature et expérience d’un dispositif innovant. Neuropsychiatrie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence, 69, 358‑368.
Thadikonda, K. M. et Gast, K. M. (2022). Top surgery in adolescents and young adults—Effective and medically necessary. JAMA Pediatrics.
Thomas, L. M. (2022, 14 septembre). Young peoples’ experiences in education and LGBT+ youth groups: a constructivist grounded theory study [thèse, University of Essex & Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust].
Tsai, M. V., Kuper, L. E. et Lau, M. (2022). Transgender youth readiness for health care transition: A survey of youth, parents, and providers. Transgender Health.
Wanta, J. W., Gianakakos, G., Belfort, E. et Janssen, A. (2022). Considering « spheres of influence » in the care of lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender, and queer-identified youth. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 31(4), 649‑664.
Youth gender services: a new model for regional care. (2022). The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 10(9).
Zongrone, A. D., Truong, N. L. et Clark, C. M. (2022). Transgender and nonbinary youths’ experiences with gender-based and race-based school harassment. Teachers College Record, 124(8), 121‑144.